Job Distribution

By Rack Alley

                Los Angeles is one of those places that never seem to sleep. No matter what time of the day, you will see people up and about, busy with one thing or the next. The reason for this is that Los Angeles has developed into a highly busy district with various forms of enterprises booming, whether it is small scale or large scale. Due to the demand of many of these enterprises to expand their respective locations, the value of land has skyrocketed since the last millennia. This has affected small enterprises who cannot afford land in order to house their servers and network infrastructure. This is where web hosting comes in.

                In los angeles web hosting is very common because the prices of real estate is too expensive and small enterprises cannot afford to spend on a piece of property that will only house computers and other hardware equipment. Web hosting is when you will turn over the set up, and maintenance of your website and network to a third party company who specializes in such data storage, one such company is Rack Alley. Rack Alley utilizes their data centers and network infrastructure  by distributing bandwidth to different clients depending on their need, while still maximizing the use of their assets. For you, as a client, you save on the expensive costs of running a data center and you don’t have to worry yourself about things that you dont understand.

Leave the experts do their job, so you can focus more on yours.

Rack Alley optimizes la data centers to store critical information to keep your businesses on the go. Los angeles data center space rentals are secure and effective.

Moving Cool

 By Movincool

                It’s becoming popular, especially in outdoor events, to see portable air conditioners around the area. It’s become a hit new invention these days, making events a lot more comfortable. Although the technology has been available for a while now, it has only recently caught favor among party planners and venue suppliers. What was well known before was non-portable air conditioners. These were the big boxes that was mounted on walls and ceilings or standing in the corner. Both technologies do the same job, so what really is the difference or benefit?

                 They both do the same job and the argument of one being colder than the other is invalid because cooling efficiency really depends on the design which varies per brand. The only real difference is the portable fact of it. Then again, who cares if it’s portable right? The good thing about being portable is that you can move it to different areas of the room. Portable A/C units can be placed in hot spots of the room, resulting in a more even even room cooling. No matter how well you design a room and where its A/C units are installed, there will always be some hot spots in the area. You can try to solve it by just increasing the temperature control on the air conditioners, but that just lowers the overall temperature. To solve hot spots, you really have to place a cooling solution in the spot, which is where portable A/C units excel.

 Movincool is an experienced industrial cooling company. They have a wide range of Portable A/C units that vary in size, cooling capacity, and design.

How to Design Banners Like the Pros

Written by Ted Dhanik

Veterans of the Web know that banner advertising is one of the most prevalent forms of outreach currently in existence on the Web. The pop-up ad, the in-content banner and the margins are all common places to see advertising on some of the most popular sites around the Web. Before you open a new canvas in Photoshop, be sure to read some of these tips pros use to make their ads more clickable.

Ad Sizes

The display advertising network that you use will have restrictions on the ad sizes you can feature, although they may not tell you this upfront. Some networks include helpful messages about the acceptable size of a banner, but you should always ask a representative which size performs best on their network. Aside from the actual pixel length and width of the ad, there may be restrictions on the usage of video in the ad, or a recommendation on file size.

Adhere to these restrictions as closely as you can. Keeping your file size low helps increase load times, and having fewer frames of a flash banner increases the speed of your messaging.

Clear Copy

Too often, marketers are tempted to use a lot of flowery language to try to explain away any possible objections to a product. The mantra to “tell your story” is taken all too literally, with long and irrelevant narratives.

To be clear, the average attention span of a user is less than ten seconds, so your copy must have a laser-like focus. Copywriting is a bit like writing a haiku, except you can make a ton of money off of the right ad. Except to say that testing is the norm, there isn’t really a set of clear instructions to provide on copywriting. Review some of your competitors before you sit down to write and see if you notice any trends in their copywriting.

Strong Enticement

The call to action is the statement on your page that drives users to action. It asks them to buy something, sign up for something or subscribe to something. The wording here is extremely important because it is the first step towards conversion. A traditional button that says “Click Here” is the norm, but there will be different designs to fit every sales proposition.

The best calls to action clearly lay out what the user needs to do in order to reap the benefits of your ad, and in some ways, they rely heavily on the copy that precedes them. Spend time refining this aspect, helping your copy and call to action flow seamlessly together.

Unity of Design

When a user clicks your banner, he should end up at a landing page that matches the proposition proposed in your ad. When offering a free report, your landing page should help push the customer to that report as soon as possible. Everything else is secondary to the objective you stated in your ad. Therefore, put extensive time into crafting a landing page that satisfies the user’s needs in the fewest possible steps.

Bio: Ted Dhanik is the president and co-founder of engage:BDR. With over fifteen years of experience in the sales and direct marketing space, Ted Dhanik is poised to help businesses succeed through online lead generation. Learn how direct marketing can expand your business by visiting Ted Dhanik online.

Tips for Implementing a Biometric Time Clock

Allied Time contributed this article

Installing biometric time and attendance systems helps companies to accurately track their employee’s working time while integrating their time clock into a larger system. But it’s also a complex process, especially if you’ve never used biometric time clocks before. Because of this, planning ahead is critical to the successful implementation of a new biometric time clock system.

If you are considering purchasing a new suite of employee time clock software and scanners, you need to be prepared for the installation before you buy anything. Here are a few considerations you’ll need to keep in mind:

Consider the Location of Your Scanners: You need to know where you are going to place your scanners before you purchase them. Ideally, they are in locations near where employees naturally enter and exit. You’ll need to have a solid place to put them and access to power sources and possibly an Internet connection.

Prep Your Employees Ahead of Time: When you make the switch to a biometric time card system, many of your employees will have questions. It’s possible some will have misconceptions about how machines work or privacy concerns. Address these concerns before you install any machines and do plenty of training. You might consider a pilot program with managers and other key employees to work out some kinks and to get “buy in” from people the staff trusts.

Let Your Employees Give Feedback: You want to make sure that your employees have a chance to have their voices be heard before you implement a biometric time card option. Holding a companywide meeting or smaller meetings within individual departments lets employees feel like they are part of the process. You might learn some concerns that are valid. You’ll also get the chance to show your employees how these systems can benefit them.

Be Prepared to Make Adjustments: No matter how much planning you do, chances are there will be some adjustments you need to make after you launch your new biometric time clocks. You might need to move machines or purchase additional scanners. Be sure you are flexible enough to handle changes as needed.

Beyond anything else, you want to make sure that the introduction of a biometric time clock is not a surprise to your employees. Many people have negative associations with biometrics and associate it with an invasion of their privacy. By taking steps ahead of time to address their concerns and show them the benefits of biometrics, you can have a workforce that is eager to try the new technology.


Allied Time contributed this article. Visit the Allied Time website to see great deals on the latest time punch clock technology.


Four Signs Your Ads Won’t Work

Written by Ted Dhanik.

Wondering why your biz-op banner advertising isn’t driving people toward work at home bliss? Well, it could be for a number of reasons. Pinpointing the one reason that truly makes a difference is what separates smart marketers from the rest of the pack. These tips look at the dead-giveaways and red flags that should signal the death of your ad. If you see these warning signs, make changes or abandon ship!


The first sign to look for is whether there is a disconnect between your copy and your landing page. A disconnect refers to anything that doesn’t match between your ad and your landing page, for example, a banner with a woman that goes to a landing page with a man. This simple change can have a dramatic effect on your campaigns and conversion rates. Missing a word or using a different slogan can have a huge impact on sales, so make sure your pages match your ads. You should also incorporate the keywords for your ad into your targeting, including copy that mentions those keywords on the ad and landing page.

Value Proposition

The value proposition is everything, and if you’re not supplying your users with something valuable, you’re losing them. A free report can suffice, but think about what you can offer customers that would be most valuable. For instance, if a biz-op offer could take the customer to a list of jobs he can apply for after sign up, then the customer is more motivated to complete the action. Incentivizing your signups is not unethical, and these ads are most effective when there is something real and useful at stake.


The way your ad looks can also impact conversion. Colors, pictures and cluttered text can all have measurable impacts on your final results. Try to identify banners that match the colors on the landing page, or that match the colors of a brand. When searching for pictures, always try to use people that are wearing or interacting with your products. Failing that, use pictures that evoke the proper emotions that you are looking for.

Placement is Wrong

The placement is the toughest part of display advertising because it can be difficult to pinpoint why a placement is or is not working. Try the broadest approach possible, targeting many placements and dropping the ones that have the highest CPAs. Be sure to give your campaign enough of a financial boost so you can get traffic to your placements. It’s difficult to tell if a placement is working if you have no measurable results to compare it to.

Ted Dhanik has been a thought leader in the sales and direct marketing space for fifteen years. Ted Dhanik is also the co-founder and president of engage:BDR. To find out how engage:BDR can help improve your campaigns, visit Ted Dhanik online.

Finding the Tech Help Your Company Needs

In the digital age, any company that isn’t taking advantage of all the tech out there simply can’t hope to stay competitive. Every day the list of businesses hoping to stay afloat without utilizing the best in technology grows smaller and smaller as more shut their doors for good.

Don’t let this happen to your company. If you’re a small business, it’s understandable that you’ve put off utilizing the latest and greatest in technology. For one, it can be intimidating taking all that on at once. But it might also be that you don’t think you have the funds to afford the systems or the staff.

Fortunately, there’s another options. Los Angeles computer consultants exist that will work from outside your company to make sure you have all the tech you need to be the best company possible.

As they’re not actually your staff, you don’t have to worry about extra issues hiring them on, providing benefits or handling taxes. Just take a group on, tell them what you need and enjoy the results.

Finding the right technology consulting Los Angeles companies flock to will be the hardest part, but there are enough of them that you’ll have options. The only problem is picking one and that’s a much better problem to have than watching competitors beat you because they have the right tech.

With tech consultants, you save money you’ll probably make back by having the services you need.


Article submitted by Cal Net Technology Group. The company provides network support Orange County companies can rely on.

The Rising Trend of IT Consulting

Article written by MacXcess

No one can deny that we’ve entered the digital age. Nothing will be the same as we move closer and closer to bigger and better forms of technology. Companies especially recognize this as they notice their bottom line change whenever they add new tech or watch their competitors do the same.

Often times, however, companies simply can’t afford the services they need. Whether they don’t have the room, can’t pay for the hard and software or couldn’t afford the staff, these businesses have often been left behind.

But that’s beginning to change thanks to IT services. Irvine is home to many such companies that serve the southern California region. A company specializing in computer services Orange County companies can rely on are always in demand as well.

By working as a third-party these companies can offer businesses all the IT help they need without all the overhead they simply can’t afford. The result is that these businesses can now compete with their much larger counterparts.

This trend won’t be going anywhere anytime soon either. Technology isn’t going to stop playing a huge role in how business gets done and the economy isn’t showing many signs of improving. Even if it were to, many companies are simply happy with this new business model.

While no one can predict the future, it’s a safe bet that IT consulting will always play a huge role.

Security Software for Your Terminal Server

With the rise in technology aimed at terminal servers, remote desktop software has followed suit, allowing employees to access the server and do whatever work needs to be done from just about any location. Of course, this can rightfully cause concerns about security. Fortunately, terminal server monitoring exists.

When it comes to monitoring your terminal server, you generally have two options. One comes in the form of a log. Whenever someone signs into the terminal server, the log takes not. Likewise, the log records when their session is ended and they leave. But the log can also take note of idle time and even the programs the employee ran. This is a huge advantage for companies concerned about security or who just want to make sure their employees are working hard when they log in remotely.

While that is certainly helpful, some companies elect t to take it up a notch, citing an extreme need for security. Companies like these are generally in the finance industry, a government agency or a company working closely with one. These companies can depend on a kind of software that essentially records everything that happens on screen. It provides voluminous amounts of information, but it’s better than nothing in case of an emergency.

If your company needs to monitor their terminal server, consider one of the above types of software. They’ll provide the data you want and the peace of mind you need.


Article submitted by RDPSoft Company. They provide terminal server solutions that allow their clients to keep a terminal services log amongst other things.

The Antidote to Work Performance Poison

Facebook and other social media sites such as Tumblr, Twitter is widely popular among people now a day. It is no doubt that a vast majority of employees who have access to a computer and internet at their place of work will tend to go on these sites a few times during the duration of their shift. It isn’t really a bad thing if you think about it so long as it is done in moderation, but the moment that work efficiency gets hindered, that is when you should start to worry. Productivity goes down the drain when work is set aside to catch up on the latest status update of someone else.

In order to address this issue, it is first important to make employees well aware of their job and how it is not to surf or go on these social media sites all day long. Secondly, it would also be wise to use what is called remote desktop monitoring software where you can keep track of all the activities of a particular set of computers using another computer through the network. Likewise, a terminal server manager is another option in which you set the restrictions for the workstation computer in question and limit its access to social media sites.

Social media sites are nice because it lets us connect with our friends, but like all things good, must be done during the right time. These things can get addictive and end up poisoning work performance.


This article was submitted by RDPSoft Company. Various network tools available from RDPSoft Company including a terminal server monitor.

Beyond the Banner: The Various Elements of Online Marketing

By Ted Dhanik

While most of the public has gotten used to the standard banner ads commonly seen on websites, many advertisers have started to use other aspects of online marketing to help their clients reach a broader audience. Presented here are a few of the other elements available to businesses to help them find their intended customers.

Pop up and pop under ads are intended to open a new window on a computers browser. The pop up opens a new window above the viewer window, and the pop under opens a new window under the viewer window.

Expanding ads are a media device that grows over a viewing window. The initial activation may be due to a preset time frame, by passing the cursor over a banner ad, or with the click of a mouse. It takes a smaller amount of information and expands it so it may offer more in a larger window and effectively bring a more comprehensive message to the viewer.

One of the most effective methods, which also has the most potential for viewer dissatisfaction, is the trick banner. It is basically an ad that can find common elements of a website or blog, while enticing viewers with additional information. And while they have produced a large amount of click through, a good portion of viewers can get frustrated by finding an advertisement instead of the expanded information they were initially seeking.

While these are only a few examples of elements available for contemporary advertising techniques, many more to help a company’s advertising needs. By finding an advertising agency that uses many of these elements, businesses have a better chance of attracting more customers and will possibly continue to grow.

This content has been provided by Ted Dhanik and friends, leaders in the world of internet marketing. Be sure to consult with Ted Dhanik when you develop your marketing program. Stop by and visit Ted Dhanik at his website for more information.